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As we step into February, there is a distinct shift in the air—a gentle yet undeniable invitation to slow down, to soften, and to return to what truly nourishes us. While January often carries the weight of resolutions, expectations, and the rush of new beginnings, February whispers something different. It is a month of renewal, a moment to embrace beauty, and an opportunity to cultivate love in all its forms.
In the ever-evolving realm of health and wellness, fasting has emerged as a powerful method not only for weight loss but also for enhancing overall vitality. For those who have struggled with traditional diets and are seeking a more effective approach, fasting offers a transformative opportunity to align with your body's natural rhythms and achieve sustainable results.
Unveiling the Art of Living: Insights Inspired by French Women's Elegance, Beauty, and Bliss6/9/2024 Hello Beautiful Soul!
Oh my gosh! I can't believe I'm talking about this... the truth is I didn't see this coming... if you had told me a year ago that I was going to be talking about menopause, I would not have believed you!
Yet, here I am, yearning to have a full on dialogue with you about menopause... everything about it. I've had SO many awe-inspiring conversations about midlife and menopause in the last eight months, and I really had no idea where I was going to land. In true Feminine Power fashion, I followed one lead after another, one woman after another, one conversation after another, one podcast after another, one article after another... until a much bigger picture emerged. What I discovered about the deep transformation in the female brain and body is extraordinary! I've heard from you how you deeply desire to experience yourself. I've researched hormones, the brain, and different cultures to understand the many facets that affect and influence a woman's experience, including culture and society, beliefs, expectations and identities around this. Let me first say that we are RICH beyond measure at this stage of life, and if you only understood just how RICH, you would be in awe of your own greatness. Our bodies go through tremendous shifts which for some women can cause symptoms that one can barely tolerate. As a lifetime holistic healthy woman who took great care of herself, her body, her emotions, and who loved movement, I had indeed expected to breeze through menopause. But the chasm between my expectations and my experience was as wide as the ocean and as turbulent as the waves in a storm. Oh my goodness!
On Zoom with my coach I am working on identifying my inner glass ceiling... those invisible inner barriers that keep you stuck in an area of life that really matters to you. And specifically I was working on where I get stopped or stuck in my business. What happens over and over again that I can't see? This is the stuff that's beyond mindset. I share with her a story of an event that took place about 15 years ago, in which I find myself unable to identify that I had a pattern of needing help when feeling insecure or uncertain... and again this was only present in a particular area of my life. In this moment on our coaching call, she exclaims, "Of course you need help! Brilliant women like us need help!" Chances are you’ve been held back from unleashing your greatest power and potential because the outside world rarely, if ever, reflects back to you your unique perspectives. So, you may not realize that your exceptional ways of seeing the world are actually deeply needed for your highest wellbeing as well as the highest wellbeing of all.
If you're anything like me, you have too often deferred to what other people tell you or think or advise, rather than what you deeply know. You may have become overly dependent on external reference points, simply because you don't fully trust yourself, or you place a lot of weight of what others think. So, you override what you deeply know within. How might this play out in your life, in your work, in your relationships? Hello Lovely,
Where in your world, is the woman behind the plan? A few years ago, I spoke with a wonderful woman who desperately wanted coaching. She wanted to grow personally and increase her confidence. And her awareness. Her words. When we examined having a plan in place she already had the plan. What she really needed was the woman behind the plan. Again, her words. Thus, I'm asking you as well. Are you the woman missing behind the plan? As we step into August with our last month of summer, before we head into the busyness of fall where we tend to set fast-paced last trimester goals, I want to invite you to start adding small changes to your routine now to help you reinvent the way you live, lead and thrive.
We're not talking about overhauling your life, but rather to bring into your life a few lifestyle steps you can take (that you'll actually want to keep) to be your healthiest and happiest right now... small changes that you love, lead to more vitality, radiance, joy, inner richness, success and impact! I've been saying for years that it's always awkward before it's elegant. And this is especially true for the space in between our becoming... from the moment we declare that we're "becoming the woman who... ______________________ (fill in your own blank)". It can be becoming the woman who takes exquisite care of herself (no matter how busy) or becoming the woman who is amazing with money (no matter how chaotic at the moment), or becoming the woman who makes beautiful requests that others are thrilled to fulfill (no matter how unlikely this may feel from your past)... just because she's declared that she's becoming THAT woman!
I’m French. I was born in Paris, and I only lived there until the age of two and a half. However, no matter where I lived (Switzerland, New York, Rhode Island, Boston, Atlanta), I had the influence of a French mother and lots of French (and European influence) in my life. My father was from Munich. My upbringing and my life inside the home were European... always. Only when I stepped out the door to go to school or later on to go to work did I have a totally American life.
There isn't a proper French translation for the word self-care. And when you think about it, for so many of us self-care feels like one more thing to add to our already long to-do list. It requires even more energy than we already have, so what would be enticing about adding self-care even when we know we so desperately need it? |
AboutFrançoise Everett, MS is a facilitator, feminine leadership coach, author, speaker and lifestyle business owner. She works and supports women entrepreneurs and women who hold leadership positions by unlocking their inner wisdom, feminine power, and hidden richness. Archives
February 2025