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“I am thankful for... that Heaven doesn’t need to be postponed.” It struck me how often and how much we live into when things will be different. When things are different, or perhaps better in some ways than you perceive that they are now, there will be something else to deal with which you probably aren’t imagining right now. So why would we postpone our desire for our beautiful, fulfilling life? Why aren’t we living it right now?
I sometimes hear women say “right now, this is what my life is and there is nothing I can do about it until my children are older.” Ask yourself, “is this really true?” Because there are some things you can do about it. You can be in the present moment right here right now, with your children, not wishing for anything else. Or, you can begin to do life differently. Perhaps you nurture YOU more. Perhaps, you dedicate some time to your spiritual practice because you find inner strength to get you through the challenges with grace. Or perhaps you work with a healer, or a coach, or a spiritual mentor. You do something, because it is making the decision and taking the action which begins your transformation into more light and more life. I love witnessing transformation in the women I work with. They choose to work on something... not because there is anything wrong, but rather because there is more life to live than the current repetition, the sameness of everyday which can get stale and boring after a while. We are designed to seek more experiences, whatever those are for each of us. I feel strongly about aspiring to something greater and bigger than I am currently living. This is what makes life fun and fulfilling. It is not about not being satisfied where I am. I can be totally satisfied in this moment and aspire for more. It is not selfish or wrong. It is you claiming your greatness to desire more for yourself. We are meant to grow, to live more life (not more exhaustion, but more aliveness) to expand, to experience more. This is natural and in alignment with Universal laws, so when we dim ourselves down, or postpone doing what feels like Heaven today, and we put it on the shelf for later, we actually move in the direction of less life. Often, we are unaware of it. We recently started a second group of women in the private coaching program called Thinking Elegantly, which is learning how to use our Mind, our invisible power in alignment with Universal principles. When we learn to use the Higher Faculties of consciousness well, we can direct our lives with precision in any direction we desire. It is when we don’t know how powerful we are and how to be accurate with our invisible power that we use our Mind incorrectly. Mostly, we are in ignorance of our power.... and it is not bliss, as you might well know. When we learn and we direct our life in the direction of our desires, life is not so hard. It may take a moment for us to get it... sort of like learning to drive a car, but then it becomes effortless rather than effortful. We’ve been so well trained to work hard. We are highly conditioned to think that more life requires more work. Why would we even want more? It can be exhausting when we think of it this way. In Thinking Elegantly, we learn about Universal principles and then apply them... elegantly. Elegance is about effortless effectiveness. You will always require a bit of effort... sometimes more and sometimes less. Sometimes just showing up will take care of it. Sometimes, thinking accurately will take care of it. Sometimes a full day of work and then some will handle it. But so what? It’s not always more effort and I find that this is where a big misunderstanding can stop us in our tracks. For a couple of the women in the program right now, ease and peace of mind have shown up in life in a big way. Another is experiencing lightness, fun, and fluidity in her daily life. And for yet another woman a huge opening has occurred around money. One is thriving in her health. And two women have met someone... and we'll see where these evolve. Thinking Elegantly shows up differently for each person. Simply because we are each a different human being. Often we think we must follow a system or do things the same as everyone else, but you do not. On the contrary... What matters most is that you make space for you, and your own wisdom will show up for you. So how is Thinking Elegantly different? It offers you 12 weekly spiritual teachings and corresponding PDFs to support you in one to three areas of life which are most important to you. Essentially, the reason for this program is for you to get more out of yourself and your life than you are able to get on your own. If you'd like to join us for group two of Thinking Elegantly, email me at [email protected] to learn more right now! We just started this week, and it is not too late for you to join us on your private coaching journey!
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AboutFrançoise Everett, MS is a facilitator, feminine leadership coach, author, speaker and lifestyle business owner. She works and supports women entrepreneurs and women who hold leadership positions by unlocking their inner wisdom, feminine power, and hidden richness. Archives
June 2024