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Believe it or not, it is up to you to hold the space for your soul.
For soul care. For soul nurturing. For soul safety. I say this to you gently. Lovingly.
Do you ever feel like you are really good at extremes?
Polar opposites seem to lure you one way this week and lead you in a different direction next week? And you can't quite figure out how to bridge these qualities? You wonder if you should be choosing one direction or another? Welcome to 2018!
It is in my experience that beginning a new year having reviewed your previous year allows you to really see your successes and achievements, integrate what you have learned, and review your gratitude’s from the past year. Rather than blindly diving into the new year with some half-hearted resolutions, reviewing your 2017 will empower you deeply as you begin 2018. I see now that it takes something to really have what you want... to create life the way you want it to be. It's not forceful... it's finding your own Self as force, as power, as beauty, as truth. There is no-one else who can do this for you. Nor would you want it that way.
The beauty within -- the inner richness -- is always there. Sometimes, however, it's covered up, and if you didn't have to go excavate it, you'd see that the life of your dreams is already here... it has been all along. You're just not present to it in this moment. I've been reading and doing the work in the "Advanced How to Become Money Workbook" by Gary M. Douglas. The book is all about expanding consciousness and living out of the question rather than the answer. It is focused on who you are willing to be, rather than the model of being right and not wrong.
While some of this work, or sometimes a lot of this work, has my linear mind go crazy, I then remind myself that nothing about this this work in consciousness is linear. It all lives beyond what my mind can grasp. On the verge of losing everything, I find myself raw, resilient and resourceful.
I let go and connect within -- not as a practice but as a being present -- and I allow time to slow down as I take one step at a time. I get real with my commitment. The only thing that matters is today. Right now. It is indeed a winding road to come back to one's center.
While we may set the intention or have the idea in mind, or the desire to do so, and we may even journal about it, at times the path is a meandering one. However, it is possible to finally stumble upon your own version of becoming beautifully sustainable. And it is worth the journey. Because essentially, it is a journey which unfolds from your truth. These are pillars of elegance!
Style. Substance. Simplicity. Sustainability. Sincerity. Soul. We've been overcomplicating just about everything. Alright. I know. I know. You think this is too easy.
"Don't I have to work at this? Don't I have to have some skin in the game?" you ask? Yes, you do have to work. As human beings, we must take action. Of course, you're not creating life merely meditating on the couch. I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted to know 'the how'.
I get it. I used to want to know 'the how' too. But the truth is, there isn't really a how that I can teach you, which will definitely work for you. What I can teach you, more than anything else, is to quiet down and listen for your own wisdom. |
AboutFrançoise Everett, MS is a facilitator, feminine leadership coach, author, speaker and lifestyle business owner. She works and supports women entrepreneurs and women who hold leadership positions by unlocking their inner wisdom, feminine power, and hidden richness. Archives
February 2025